European Competition - we know the finalists!


The most recent and luscious documentary cinema once again in Szczecin!

We know the selection winner to the European Competition at SEFF'17.The Programme Committee consisting of Damian Romaniak, PhD, Jörg Foth, Bartosz Wójcik, PhD (in the picture) after two weeks of hard work has selected for You 26 productions from 15 countries, which you will be able to see between 19th and 23rd October in Szczecin. 
The list of films selected to the European Competition for documentary films:
"2 Ragazze" Marco Speroni, IT 2016
"Thea" Halvor Nitteberg, NO 2016
"Ur Artean" Iñigo Jiménez, Jesus Maria Palacios, ES 2016
"Jestem" Grzegorz Paprzycki, PL 2017
"Protokolle" Jan Soldat, DE 2017
"Full" Lexie Bean, Zach Jamieson, USA, HU 2017
"Dann muss es ja ein was weiß ich was Gutes geben" Florian Andreas Dedek, DE 2016
"La concorrente" Alberto Diana, IT, ES 2016
"La comunión de la Nena" Juan Vincente Castillejo Navarro, ES 2017
"21 x Nowy Jork" Piotr Stasik, PL 2016
"Sara the Dancer" Tim Ellrich, DE, AT 2017
"In the backward of time" Danilo Torre, IT 2017
"White Mountain" Emma Charles, GB 2016
"Józio, chodź do domu" Marcin Chłopaś, PL 2016
"Emergency Turned Upside-Down" Oliver Ressler, AT 2016
"D|DK" Karsten Wiesel, DE 2017
"Zamejen" Leo Černic, SI 2016
"stranding" Nina Schipoff, CH 2016
"Pięknie nam się układa" Maciej Jankowski, PL 2016
"Simba in New York" Tobias Sauer, DE 2016
"Good morning, good evening and goodnight" Constantinos Christou, CY 2017
"Lupus" Carlos Gómez Salamanca, FR, CO 2016
"Prezent" Sylwia Rosak, PL 2017
"Faber Navalis" Maurizio Borriello, IT 2016
"Melleņu gari" Astra Zoldnere, LV 2016
"Gusła ou le Malins" Adrienne Nowak, FR 2016
Congratulations to the finalists and many thanks to the rest for their participation in the competition. Hope to see you next year ;)


added:: 2017-08-01
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