About the artist
Michał Dębski – member of the "Miasta w Komie" film group, editorial assistant of the "Wolny Ekran" television programme, student of multimedia and art specialization at Bednarska Szkoła Realna.
Michał Dębski – member of the "Miasta w Komie" film group, editorial assistant of the "Wolny Ekran" television programme, student of multimedia and art specialization at Bednarska Szkoła Realna.
Thursday, October 19, 2017, bus station near the Palace of Culture, people are waiting. A man comes, pulls off his coat, pulls a megaphone out of his bag, stands on the stairs. The message is heard, it is a manifesto. He spreads leaflets, he wrote down his political last will on them. He pours gasoline all over him. His scream dies out in the hiss of fire extinguishers.