A small role in Roman Polanski’s film “Rosemary’s Baby” was to be the high point of Elmer Modlin’s acting career. After that he leaves the USA with his wife Margaret and their son Nelson. They spend the next 30 years far away, living a quiet life in a spacious apartment. Margaret devotes herself entirely to her art. Elmer believes in her. And Nelson has to pose for the huge symbolic paintings. – Sergio Oksman reconstructs their truly gruesome fate on the basis of photos and video material that was found in a box in the street after the Modlins’ death. In doing so he achieves an interesting balancing act between fiction and reality.

About the artist
Sergio Oksman, born 1970 in Brasil, studied Journalism in São Paulo and Film in New York. He is a film teacher in Madrid, and has been running the production company Dok Films since 2000.
Notes on the Other (2009)
Goodbye, America (2007)
Gilberto Gil: Un Ministro en Directo (2006)
La Esteticién (2004)
Gaudí en la Favela (2002)
Aznar-Almunia: Diario de Campaña (2000)
Pelé – The Match of the Century (1999)
Irmãos de Navio (1996)